Clean Your Website for Stronger Security and Faster Speed

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Clean Website for Stronger Security

Nowadays, it’s nearly impossible to create and maintain any website without a website builder. One bad part of it is that it gets dirty and needs cleaning; just like your home. As such, cleaning becomes a crucial step, that cannot be ignored. However, these days, the website builder makes it much faster and easier to do the same hassle-free.

The website builder will undoubtedly use website security during the website building. Hacking of websites is common nowadays, and through the hacking of a website, there can be easy threats to your website’s search engine optimizations (SEO) score and through this, the customer’s trust in your company is hampered. 

Just like your home, your website also accumulates various dust and clutter, which usually slows it down and also makes it vulnerable to security threats. So, cleaning your home is crucial, just as important as cleaning your home, which can be done quickly with our help.

Earlier, there was a belief that by simply using the best website hosting services, there could be a clean website for stronger security. But more is needed to add security to your website. So, now the query arises; “how can you keep your website safe & secure?”

Throughout this page, we will guide you and will explain to you how to test the website’s security and keep those unwanted intruders just out of your content management systems. A clean website for stronger security is very much essential, and this is the need of the hour.

It’s very important to be proactive and take some crucial steps to reduce the risk of infection. No one can promise you that the risk will ever be zero, but now there are multiple means to protect your website. 

Now get started with some of our actionable tips on how to de-clutter your website for more robust security and faster speed. 

What is Meant by Website Security?

Website Security is nothing but measures to secure the website from any type of cyber attack. A clean website for stronger security is the prime agenda of any website security company. Website security comprises factors that include the website’s protection from hackers, malware, scams, phishing, and errors.

So, we can say that website security is an ongoing process and the most essential part of managing any website. There is a prime need to maintain a secure website as it is critical to protect your website visitors and users from any type of attacks, data theft, and bad actors.  

Website Security is very much essential as it helps to guard your data as well as some sensitive information from your customer’s end. There is a need to take some preventive measures by which you can protect your website. By this, you can save some time and, ultimately, money, and it also helps to protect your brand reputation. 

Nowadays, cyber security attacks and threats have grown up in recent years, ultimately making your website’s security a prime thing to do. Website security is even more critical in such cases when security is even more critical for websites with all online transactions, such as e-commerce websites. To have a clean website for stronger security and security against hackers, you need to have preventive security measures just in one place. 

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Why is Web Security Important?

For most of us, web security can be a challenging task, especially in that cases dealing with large number of networking sites becomes necessary. Having a secure website is the most vital thing. If, through any means, the website is hacked and blacklisted, then it will lose up to 98% of its traffic.

 Having a website with security measures can be better than having a website at all, or even worse than that. If you dont possess a secure website, then there is a chance of a client’s data breach, and it can ultimately result in lawsuits, ruined reputation, and heavy fines and penalties.

Reason for Having a Secured Website

Defense in Depth Strategy

Through the defence in the depth strategy, the depth of the protection, along with the breadth of the attack surface, is considered for analyzing the tools used across the stack. This is the finest approach as it provides a more accurate picture of today’s website’s security threat landscape.

Why Website Gets Hacked?

It’s near about 2.94 billion websites in the online platform in 202, and this is going to provide an extensive playground for bad actors. Most of us have a misconception about why websites get hacked.

Most of the owners and administrators believe that they won’t get hacked because they have smaller websites, which often leads to making less attractive targets. We know hackers usually prefer to choose more prominent websites if they wish to steal information or sabotage. But for their other goals, they can visit any small site which is valuable enough for them.  

Various goals can be fulfilled by hacking a website, but the main ones are-

  • Abusing server resources
  • Exploiting the site visitors
  • Tricking bots and crawlers
  • Stealing the information stored on the server
  • Pure hooliganism (defacement).

In this article, we will also discuss the various means for clean website for stronger security and the most widely preferred seven different ways for securing your website for free. We are also going to discuss everything from the free tools to the best practices and several other tactics to secure your website. 

4 Ways of Securing Your Website For Free

  • Install an SSL Certificate

SSL, commonly known as Secure Sockets Layer, it’s a set of instructions that create an encoded link with the web browser and web server. Through this SSL certificate, the data exchange between the visitor and the website can be secured. 

It’s advised to have an SSL certificate for clean website for stronger securityWordPress websites also need an SSL certificate, even if they are running an e-commerce store. Through the SSL certificate, the customer’s sensitive payment information is protected. There is no need to possess rocket knowledge to secure your website secured with an SSL certificate. 

You need to ask for an SSL certificate from a hosting provider or domain registrar. Or any certified authority. The prices of SSL certificates may vary. But in some cases, you can get free access to an SSL certificate. 

  • Update Your Website Regularly

Your websites are very prone to the risk of cyber attacks, hacks, and other security issues if it is an outdated version. To avoid these types of problem, you just need to keep your website up-to-date and this can be done by examining regular checking for any updates or setting up auto-updates. Security patches from the website developer are usually present in this updated version.

  • Use Strong Passwords

If you use simpler passwords like your name, date of birth, familiar words, and number sequences, then it is just like inviting the hackers and giving them a piece of cake. These sorts of passwords are quite easier to be used, and the hacker can easily hack your website. Using a strong password can protect your website from hackers. Strong passwords which you must use should comprise of 

  • Capitals, as well as lowercase characters
  • Combination of numerical and alphabetical characters
  • Special characters

If you still have any problems or facing any sort of issues while coming up with a strong password, then the browser can support you down. Dashlane is one such free password manager that can usually control your passwords on multiple devices like laptops, mobiles, and desktops. 

  • Back-Up Your Website Regularly

Sometimes the creation of routine backups of your devices is not a proactive approach to website security. But this regular checkup is very much essential as it protects from malicious attacks and hardware failure.

Backing up means that the data can be restored in no time; without any backup there might be a risk of losing all the data, customizations, and settings. The backup will save you time, money, and effort, or you can simply rely on the resources present over there.

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